Written on: December 13, 2021
Everyone wants to save money on heat, especially when temperatures dive into the single digits and the wind chill factor makes us want to stay under the blankets until spring arrives.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to save money on heating your home, but please do it in a smart way and never takes chances with your safety.
With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you reduce your risk of frozen pipes, as well as electrical and heating fires.
In an effort to save money, some people have shut off their furnaces (or turned their thermostat way down) and use electric space heaters in their most commonly used rooms. But doing this vastly increases the chance of frozen pipes. Overusing electric space heaters can also make your utility bill soar.
There is nothing wrong with using a space heater for some extra warmth. But if you do use a portable heater, always turn it off when you leave the room or go to sleep. Always keep pets and children away from space heaters. Be sure you can keep your space heater away from anything flammable!
Setting your thermostat setting too low is another way to raise your risk of frozen pipes. Water pipes near outside walls or in unheated spaces are especially prone to freeze-ups. The risk increases if cracks in your foundation allow cold air to enter. It’s a good idea to set your thermostat a little higher when temperatures get very low.
Another common mistake is closing the heating vents in seldom-used rooms. The belief is that this will conserve heat and save money but we do not recommend this.
Closing some vents disrupts normal airflow, causing an imbalance that will just make your furnace work harder. Closing vents can also raise the risk of frozen pipes, especially in rooms that tend to be on the cold side anyway.
It’s always better to keep the temperature at a comfortable level throughout your home and program it to energy-saving settings when the house is empty or everyone is asleep.
If you have a zoned system, you can vary the temperature in different rooms, eliminating the temptation of shutting the heat off completely in parts of your home.
Please contact your local Maine heating oil dealer if you would like further advice on smart and safe ways to save money on heating your home.